Minggu, 14 Desember 2014


Tangkuban Perahu
A.    Outline

I.                   Introduction

Thesis statement :  Tangkuban Perahu is one of the great place which has a story between a mother and her son.

II.                Body

A.    Nyi Dayang Sumbi had a promise that she would marry someone who helped her.
i.        Nyi Dayang Sumbi married with Tumang
ii.      Nyi Dayang Sumbi born Sangkuriang

B.     Sangkuriang didn’t know his father is Tumang
i.        Sangkuriang go to the forest
ii.      Sangkuriang killed Tumang
iii.    Sangkuriang talk his mother about the accident
iv.    Nyi Dayang Sumbi chase away her son

C.     After long time Sangkuriang met his mother
i.                    Sangkuriang fell in love with his mother

D.    Nyi Dayang Sumbi knew who is Sangkuriang
i.        Nyi Dayang Sumbi ask a request
ii.      Sangkuriang failed fulfill the request

III.             Conclusion

In short,the boad which was kicked by Sangkuriang was rolled back. That boat was later be a mountain which as known as Tangkuban Perahu Mountain because the mountain like rolled back boat.

Tangkuban Perahu

Indonesia as known as a country which has many beautiful places. Each of beautiful places in Indonesia have a story behind that place. The legend can’t separate with each great place. The legend exist as much as the place. West Java is a  province which has many legend places and one of that legend is Tangkuban Perahu.Tangkuban perahu  is one of the great place which has a story between  a mother and her son.

Once upon a time in a kingdom of  West Java lived a beautiful princess named Nyi  Dayang Sumbi. Dayang Sumbi had beautiful face and she was the god generation who would still young till ever after. Although Dayang Sumbi was beautiful but she was attach and lazy. One day when she was weaving in pendopo she fell her yarn and she was so lazy to take back. She swore that she would get married the person who took back her yarn. After a while a servant took back her yarn which made Dayang Sumbi shocked but she had to fulfill the promise. She told to her father  that she would get married with the servant to fulfill her promise, but her father opposed her and then he cursed the servant to be a dog. Dayang Sumbi still married the dog named Tumang however she had been chased away from palace. She through her live happily with Tumang and after several month she born the son. She very loved her son named Sangkuriang. Sangkuriang was a handsome and smart boy, he was very love his mom too. Dayang Sumbi grew up Sangkuriang with love and never talk to him that Tumang was his father. She kept the secret by herself till a accident happened.

In beautiful day Dayang Sumbi asked Sangkuriang to went to the forest to hunt a deer for their lunch. Sangkuriang went to the forest with Tumang, but that day was his unlucky day because he can’t get a deer till afternoon. He didn’t want to disappoint his mother so he shooted his dog and took  the dog liver. After arrived at home, he gave the liver to his mom. Dayang Sumbi cooked with glad but she never saw tumang since Sangkuriang was back from the forest. Dayang Sumbi asked her son about Tumang, Sangkuriang tried to lie but he couldn’t. Eventually Sangkuriang told to his mother that he had killed Tumang. For a moment Dayang Sumbi very shocked and cried, she shouted to her son that Tumang was Sangkuriang father. She couldn’t controll herself, she hit Sangkuriang head caused wound on her son head. Dayang Sumbi couldn’t forgive Sangkuriang then she chased away her son.

After his mother told him about who is Tumang actually, Sangkuriang was shock, sad, and regret but he couldn’t do anything. He just go away as like what his mom wanted, he through his life alone. After along time Sangkuriang grew up as handsome man, smart and charm. Many women interested to him but no one could steal his heart yet, till he met with a beautiful woman. He fell in love at first sight to her and so do her. Apparently the woman that Sangkuriang loved was his mother, Dayang Sumbi, but both of them didn’t know who were they actually. Day by day they more love each other as beloved pair till Sangkuriang wanted to marry Dayang Sumbi. Dayang Sumbi accepted with pleasure and they would marry as soon.

Few days before their wedding, Dayang Sumbi caressed Sangkuriang head and she shocked when found a wound on her beloved head. She realized that Sangkuriang was her son and that means they couldn’t get married because they had related. Dayang Sumbi tried to tell to Sangkuriang about that fact but Sangkuriang denied and said that his mother maybe had even died because this very long time since he go away from home. Dayang Sumbi told him that she was god generation so she would still alive and young. Sangkuriang didn’t believe and he still forced to marry her. Dayang Sumbi had an idea to refuse him, she asked Sangkuriang to make a big boat on the top of mountain in a day. Sangkuriang accepted that condition, he asked helps from his genies. When the genies almost finished their work, Dayang Sumbi prayed to god to make the morning come sooner. All the genies disappear when morning toward and they couldn’t finish the boat which means that Sangkuriang had failed accompolish Dayang Sumbi condition. Sangkuriang was very angry, he cursed Dayang Sumbi and kicked that boat.

In short,the boad which was kicked by Sangkuriang was rolled back. That boat was later be a mountain which as known as Tangkuban Perahu Mountain because the mountain like rolled back boat. This story tell us that in the world has a several things that can’t be our mine and we can’t force that be our mine.

1 komentar:

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